Audacity Compressor - Make Your Audio Sound Great!

In this blog, I’ll explain how the Audacity Compressor works and how it can make your voice sound better.

A common problem, particularly with podcasts, is that guests’ voices are often all over the place. Sometimes they’re loud, sometimes they’re quiet. A Compressor can even that out and make it all sound a consistent volume.

Diving Into Compressor Using Audacity

Start by selecting all your audio by double-clicking it, and then select Compressor in the Effects menu.

Usually, I find that a Threshold of -20 dB works well. This is the point at which the Compressor kicks in and starts working, so anything above this level is going to compress down.

Audacity Compressor - Make Your Audio Sound Great!

We can leave Noise Floor as it is at -60 dB. As for Ratio, the bigger this is, the bigger the compression we’ll get. I find that 3:1 usually works pretty well for this. Attack and Release Time we can leave as they are at 0.10 secs and 1.0 secs respectively.

Monitoring Your Audio Levels

Make a note of these settings and it should level out your audio quite well. The Playback Level meter in the top right will confirm to you that everything is at a consistent volume level.

Audacity Compressor - Make Your Audio Sound Great!

You can also watch me showing this method on my YouTube video:

If you are a podcaster, voiceover artist, audio editor or YouTuber, check out my Audacity course for beginners, and if you are creating an online radio show, podcast, radio imaging, or simply want to make your voice sound better, get hold of my free Audacity presets now.

Take Your Audacity Knowledge To The Next Level

I regularly publish blog posts and videos about Audacity and teach you how to become a master. Here are some further reading suggestions for you:


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