Rebranding The Music Radio Creative Podcast Podcast Season 1 rebranding Music Radio Creative

Before we started with todayā€™s podcast Izabela and I chatted about why sheā€™s stepping while we were doing the podcast. It was past 3pm and Izabela was still at only at 2,000 steps and the needed steps per day is 10,000. This is according to the World Health Organizationā€™s recommendation that every person should do at least 10000 steps every day. Izabela and I have started following the steps since September last year and weā€™ve been very consistent so she was really anxious to reach the recommended steps. You can also follow Izabela and myselfĀ on Fitbit if youā€™re interested in being healthy and doing as we do.

Should We Rebrand?

Todayā€™s podcast is mostly about rebranding which is Izabelaā€™s specialty as she is adept in audio, video and even graphical rebranding. I started out with the question pertaining to the Music Radio Creative podcast. The podcast is part of our company and has been fantastic for us over the past two years so I asked Izabela why would we consider changing it or even ending the podcast?

Izabela explained that the podcast have evolved during its run and it has developed since originally starting with me and then Izabela joining eventually with the effect of getting us better reception and making the podcast better itself. Izabela pointed out that there are a lot of things that weā€™re not doing correctly with the podcast and that the she feels that our stats have gotten slightly stuck.

She explained that we have the same amount of listeners every week and the podcast deserves to be discovered further and to get a wider audience with more listeners. I raised an issue of we may be trying to be too many things to too many people when at the end of the day what we love is Music Radio Creative, creating creative audio and helping people to brand themselves. So my concern was do we really need to broaden?

Izabela answered that we donā€™t have to change anything content wise but it would be better if the podcast was more discoverable. As an example she cited that our iTunes description should change because itā€™s not really accurate. Izabela explained that Music Radio Creative is not really involved with the podcast and that itā€™s even an injustice to the podcast to just be called Music Radio Creative.

This Should Have Been Off The Air!

We were actually supposed to have this conversation as one which is off the air and more like a production meeting just between Izabela and I but we thought of sharing it to everyone. We actually wanted to ask you what you think about our concern about rebranding. Izabela also thought that many podcasters, DJs, and radio people are also perhaps having the same dilemma.

The Start of Music Radio Creative

When the Music Radio Creative podcast started it was more about making your voice sound better, audio production, how to make jingles and the like. However it has evolved since and we tackled even more topics as we also discussed voice over, tweaking audio and even internet marketing. So I asked Izabela should we just focus on audio?

Izabela answered in the negative. She explained that we are focused on audio individuals, who are people associated with audio either being a podcaster, radio personality, DJ, or voice over artist but that is not necessarily reflected in the content. This is because many things we talk about are internet marketing related. I agreed with Izabela even citing some of our guests who really vary from their niche such as John Lee Dumas and James Cridland.

What Can We Do Or Change?

Izabela and I talked about what we can do to reach more listeners and we thought aboutĀ identifying the favorite episodes of those who tune in. I shared some experience we have where once we finished an episode weā€™d expect that episode to get a lot of comments and reactionĀ but it wonā€™t do so well when another episode we made would not be expected to do as good would even get much more! I cited as an example our episode with the Heil PR40 microphones which is our most commented episode right now. Izabela observed that the episode was very technical and that our audience may be very technical so it may be wise to make more technical contents.

A New Podcast Starting From Episode 1?

I asked Izabela what she thought of stopping the Music Radio Creative podcast after episode 100 and perhaps starting a brand new podcast from episode 1. She actually thought it would be interesting and that doing so may entail benefits especially from the brand perspective. I added that it could be good for exposure because when you start a new podcast thatā€™s usually the time where you get featured in podcast directories such as iTunes. I also suggested that we can also do the alternative of starting an episode 101 with a different podcast name and different branding. However Izabela stated that it might become confusing to the listeners which may give way to some problems.

I also discussed what many podcast coaches would say if you are thinking of ending a podcast. It is that you should always tell people where to find you even if youā€™re not continuing to podcast. For example your last episode in a series should be, ā€œwe hope youā€™ve enjoyed all the 100 episodes, now you can find us hereā€.

A New Podcast From Music Radio Creative?

I asked Izabela a question about the possible new podcast. If named differently will there be any association with Music Radio Creative or would it be something totally different with our Music Radio Creative company ceasing altogether to have a podcast. Izabela answered by telling us what needs to be considered in deciding. She cited the mailing list which is linked to Music Radio Creative and the website itself as some of the examples.

Izabela also gave a great suggestion of making a podcast which is described as one from Music Radio Creative or brought to you by Music Radio Creative. I also cited Michael Stelzner and the Social Media Marketing podcast as an example of one who uses this idea to great results. He titled the podcast on what it actually is and he always says that it is brought to you by Social Media Examiner, the company itself.

We Want To Provide More Engaging Content

I also contemplated on why we really talked about rebranding in this episode. I actually saw our stats and realised that we have a constantly engaged audience but weā€™re not necessarily expanding or pulling more people. So we thought by renaming the podcast it would be more discoverable and would help to grow our audience.

New Podcast Name!

Izabela and I had a quick suggestion of possible names for a possible new podcast. The names I immediately thought of on the top of my head ranged from the Audio Branding podcast, Audio Technology podcast, Audio Geeks, The Radio Podcast, and Lifestyle Audio Podcast.

Izabela had a better idea of asking you the listener what you think would be a great name for the new podcast? If we do pick your name you not only named the new podcast from Music Radio Creative weā€™ll also have a great surprise in store for you!

Plans For Episode 100

We had a quick chat about our plans for episode 100 of the Music Radio Creative podcast where weā€™re going to have a big Google Hangout party. Izabela shared some of her great plans of having some cocktails during the party.

Listener Survey

Izabela shared a good idea of making a survey for our listeners. Basically the survey we want you to take would only involve straightforward and easy questions and would be very helpful in ensuring better content in the future. We would love to get as many responses as possible because the more we get, the more we can see a trend and the more we can actually make our podcast what it should be. So please fill out the survey and let us know what you would like to hear more of or less of in the future. It will be very very helpful for us.

Shoutout About Our Special Bonus Episode

Izabela shared some feedback about our special bonus episode so we wanted to give a big shoutout to Sharon from Mississippi who we hired from our audience as a result!


8 Responses

  1. Arrgghhhh – just filled out the survey thinking there would be more qs after I clicked “next” but it booted me and now I can’t take the survey again :o( I thought there would be questions on what to call a new podcast and what content should be like…

    I feel robbed lol

    1. Hey Bev, thanks for taking the time to head to the survey.

      I’ve made an update that should allow you to get back in. Izablea and I would certainly appreciate it if you would consider sharing your thoughts šŸ™‚

  2. The audio podcast, the imaging podcast, the radio podcast, or what about simply The world of audio? The Radio and audio podcast? Lots of options.

  3. I would say “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”–BUT– there IS a problem in that the “Music Radio Creative” name is being used to brand both a company AND a podcast. That in itself imposes limitations in the mind of the listener.

    Here’s what I would do if I were free to create as I wished with time and money being no concern:

    1. I would decide on a podcast name most suited to the type of audience I want to reach. Make the name short, snappy, fun and unique. For example: if I wanted to reach more people in the voice over and audio production industry (which is where I think your primary podcast market is) along with all the young and enthusiastic people out there who are starting new internet radio stations and desperately need help, then the podcast name would need to include the word “mic” or “Mike” because that’s the common element here. Oh yes and “Mike” just happens to be the name of your podcast host (along with Izabela) so you are in luck! Any of these names: “Right at the Mike,” or “Right with the Mic” or “Right with Mike” or “Getting Right with Mike,” for example, might fit the bill. The idea being that the primary interest of your listeners is getting things “right” at/with the mic. By the way there are currently no podcasts out there by any of those names. Be sure you select a podcast name that isn’t already in use.

    2. OK I’ve got my tentative name so the next thing I do is look for a web domain (or domains) with the exact name(s) I want. I just went looking right now and all of these domain names are currently available:
    rightmeansmike.COM (good for laughs)

    3. So I register as many domains as I need to protect my new name, and now it’s time for me to go build a simple yet elegant website for my new podcast at the domain name I’ve chosen using WordPress, Powerpress and all the other toys with which you (Mike and Izabela) are already quite familiar. And then I have the (mostly) fun job of setting up all the social media pages for the new podcast name and going to work getting “Likes,” followers, etc. You know the social media “drill” much better than me. (Smiling.)

    4. Now here’s a sneaky yet key point. To ensure that EVERYONE feels free to subscribe to your podcast regardless of who they work for or in what industry, you must NOT mention “Music Radio Creative” in any way, anywhere on the podcast website except in ONE place. Where’s that? At the very bottom of every page, right in the middle, where you place a tiny banner or text with the innocuous little message “Powered By Music Radio Creative” which then links to your site! Curiosity kills the cat every time, and you won’t believe how many people can’t resist the urge to click on a “Powered By” link.

    OK enough from me. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Perhaps it will prove helpful to you or someone else thinking of starting a podcast.

    Best to All!

    1. Sharon, wow! Thank you very much for the detailed reply to our latest episode and question about rebranding the MRC podcast. I love your advice and thank you for taking the time to comment with it here šŸ™‚

  4. Hello Mike and Izabela!
    Though I like the current podcast as is, I love the idea of a new and noteworthy podcast hitting the iTunes Chart! You will be taking your already built name recognition to a new level. I know this podcast just evolved into what it is now, but with a poll and lots of feedback you can give people more of what they want from you! I will be happy to hear the results. The name of a new show would really depend on what the content will be, so I will be of no help here as of yet. If you want to chat more you know how to reach me!
    My love to ya both, (0; JC

    1. Hey JC!

      Thanks for the kind comments and encouragement. We’ll be sure to keep you up to date with our plans šŸ™‚

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