Zoom is the number one resource many podcasters go to when recording their podcast interviews. This post can be helpful if you’re recording a podcast on Zoom and want the absolute highest quality audio possible. Get a good microphone and audio interface then follow these steps for audio heaven!
Step 1
Go to Settings and Select Audio

Step 2
Select your Speaker and Microphone. Ideally these would be a high quality audio interface connected to a professional microphone. Check out our Ultimate Podcast Equipment Guide here for some ideas and inspiration.
Step 3
Untick Automatically adjust microphone volume and set the level yourself using the Input Volume slider. You’ll ideally want the Input Level meter about two thirds of the way full when you’re speaking. If you leave this option ticked Zoom will constantly adjust your mic volume (which you don’t want in a pro recording).
Step 4
Suppress background noise should be set to Low otherwise Zoom may mess with your audio reducing the sound quality in order to remove noise. Ideally you’ll be recording in the best setting possible so you need the least amount of noise reduction.
Step 5
This is the important option. If you do one thing… follow this step closely! Under Music and Professional Audio tick Show in meeting option to enable “Original Sound”. More options will appear when you tick this.
Step 6
Now make sure to tick High-fidelity music mode and the Stereo audio options. Untick Echo cancellation – you’re a pro you don’t need this!
Step 7
Exit out of the Settings window for a moment and in the top left of your meeting you’ll see Original Sound: Off. Click the drop down and select the same audio interface you setup in the Settings panel (the one with your pro mic attached to it). You should now see Original Sound: On and you just instantly got a big audio upgrade
Step 8
Head back to Settings and then Audio and look at the final few options. You can leave all these as they are. The only setting I’d advise to tick is Automatically join computer audio when joining a meeting. It makes for a slicker experience and means others on the Zoom call won’t have to wait for you to confirm your audio settings when joining a call. You’re welcome!
Step 9
You’re done! Don’t worry about the Advanced option it just has Echo cancellation which can only be set to Auto. 100% do not set this setting to Aggressive otherwise reduced audio quality will be the result.
Bonus Tip – Recording Multiple Guests On Zoom
Head back to Settings and this time select Recording. Then check Record a separate audio file of each participant. Zoom will allow you to record up to 80 guests as separate audio files – that’s pretty cool!
Zoom audio doesn’t have to be tricky and getting the settings right can get you off to the right start before you record.