Starting a podcast can be a mammoth task that requires an education in many corners of audio creation world. Having a beautiful podcast ending is as important as a wonderful start (If you haven’t already we have a whole section of free to download podcast intros too). We have gathered our best talent and created a range of generic podcast extras for you to use freely in your podcast. Everybody deserves a great podcast audio brand – don’t settle on average and make sure you have a great sound from episode 1.
In this download the following podcast outros are included:

Podcast Outro 1
by Kaia
Script: This week’s episode has come to an end. But the fun doesn’t have to stop here, If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback head over right now to twitter and facebook, and like, share and get involved. Join us next time.
#business #lifestyle #howto #news #skills #coaching #australianvoiceover

Podcast Outro 2
by Frances
Script: And that’s it for this week’s episode. Add us to your podcatcher or on iTunes now so that you make sure that you never miss out on another second of our wonderful podcast- we would hate for you to miss out. Have a great week everyone!
#feelgood #conclusion #iTunes #friendly #positive #upbeat
Podcast Outro 3
by Chase
Script: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the interviewers and interviewees and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and medical services.
#legal #professional #medical #disclaimer #educational
Podcast Outro 4
by Angelicque
Script: Join us again next time when we will be back with more tips, techniques and cheats to achieve the rewards that you deserve. Thank you so much for your time today and please set your podcatcher so that you never, ever miss us. Bye for now and thanks so much for listening.
#ontheedge #tips #signup
Podcast Outro 5
by Jesicca
Script: Loved what you’ve heard on this week’s episode? Well, the answer is simple, it would mean the world to us if you could head over to iTunes and leave us a five-star review and feedback. Spreading the word really is the best way to grow our podcast and achieve even greater things. Thank-you.
#business #entrepreneur #coaching #advice #review #feedback #friendly #approachable #positive
Is your podcast lacking that final touch? The podcast outro and the call to action you have just doesn’t work as well as you intended? Give our team a chance to add that special touch to your podcast. By working with us you have access to only top voice recording talent, trained audio specialists who know how to write a good script and select the podcast music that will rock your audience.
If you are considering podcasting or have just started you may be interested in the other posts in our “Start with podcasting” series.