In this blog, I’ll explain how to use the echo effect in Adobe Audition.
First, open up Adobe Audition and use multitrack if you’re using background music as a bed for your voiceover. You can delete unused tracks using shift + E and hit ctrl/cmd + to get a nice view of everything.
To get started with the echo effect, go to the Effects rack and under Delay and Echo, select Echo.

Here you can stick with the default settings, which will sound great on its own. Or to match the echo to the bed, just change the Delay Time Units to beats. You can then play around with the Delay Time to get a great synched echo effect.
You can also turn up the Echo Level to make the echo louder, or the feedback to make it continuously be louder.
And on the right-hand side of the echo effect window, you’ll see Successive Echo Equalization, which reduces the base with each successive echo, while keeping lots of the high and mid-range there.
You can always play around with these levels too, but be careful not to go above 0 dB, otherwise it will get progressively louder.
And that’s how to use the echo effect in Adobe Audition. It’s also included in my Adobe Audition presets.
Learn More About Effects In Adobe Audition
- The Best Adobe Audition Effects
- Doctor Who Dalek Voice Changer Effects In Adobe Audition
- Five Adobe Audition CC Effects To Better Quality Voice Overs
- Batch Processing & Add Effects to Files in Adobe Audition CC
Adobe Audition Presets
Be time efficient and make great sounding audio every single time, with my original Presets, take a look here.