Being a new podcaster isn’t easy as there are more than 850,000 podcasts out there. Since podcasting is gaining unparalleled popularity, that number is rising daily. With that kind of competition, it is important to find out what you need to successfully start a podcast that is engaging and beginner-friendly.
Once you’re back with your new knowledge, we will see what makes a good podcast script. Most people freak out when someone mentions a script out of fear of sounding like you’re reading, but a well-structured script helps you, your editor, and even your guests to stay on track and keep the direction of the conversation relevant. Using a script is a sure way to bring your point across exactly as you want to.
Writing the script
Even though this seems to be straightforward as to just sit down and start writing, it may be a bit more nuanced than that. It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to sound like something that we are not in order to appear more professional, but keep in mind that your podcast listeners are there to listen to you and what you have to say.
If you want professional help with scriptwriting for your podcast, you can use professional services such as TrustMyPaper (an expert writing agency) or SupremeDissertations (writing platform for content tasks of any kind).

Write as you would talk
It’s important to write like you would sound while talking. That doesn’t mean you should include all ehm’s and uhm’s, but you should use your vocabulary. Using the words that are natural to you convey your story better to the listener than some random thesaurus words used to sound smarter.
Keeping it simple
As a large part of podcasts are listened to in the car or while doing something else it’s important to be easy to follow. One way to achieve this is using simpler words. For example:
- Amazing = astonishing
- Do = execute
- About = approximately
- Buy = acquire
By using these synonyms, it is easier to tune in and follow without having to scratch your head wondering what is being talked about. Easy-to-follow content helps the audience immerse themselves in the podcast, as we all like to feel like we understand everything that is being said.
Splitting the script into sections
Writing a script and seeing it as a huge block of text can often feel overwhelming. In the text below we will split the script into 6 parts that will serve as a guide to writing a coherent podcast.
- Intro
- Welcome message
- Topic discussion
- Segue
- Signoff
- Outro
Intro serves to let your listeners know that the podcast is starting, and they can get ready to jump in on the experience. Think of it as a warm-up for fun content that is ahead. It is usually not longer than 2 minutes, and it incorporates a jingle. If you need some ideas you can find some here.
Welcome Message
The welcome message part is, as the name itself says, a welcome greeting to your listeners. It welcomes listeners and gives them a rundown of what will be covered in the episode. It should be brief and precise since the topic will be covered in the next segment. That approach helps to prepare the audience for the topics and guests. The general rule is that it should not be longer than 5 minutes.
Topic Discussion
Now we come to the meat of the hugely popular phenomenon of podcast experience. Depending on what your podcast format is, this is the part where you have interviews, stand-alone interviews, storytelling, it’s your choice. It is by far the longest part of the podcast and depending on your preferences the script can be just partial guidelines so the topic stays on course, fully scripted interview questions, or solo storytelling. Basing on the length of your podcast it can vary as to how long it is, but keep in mind, most people come back for this part.
Segue serves as a transition to a new topic, new guests, or to the sign-off part of the podcast. It’s short but also necessary, so the listener is aware of what the next step of the experience is, and is not confused by quick topics or guest skipping. Some examples of segues would be:
- Say goodbye to our guest John and welcome our next guest, award-winning journalist Rachel…
- That would be all we will talk about duck migration, stay tuned for our segment about elk meat recipes.
- That was a fascinating story, now let’s move on to our second interview of the day.
Depending on the number of topics and guests, the number of segues may vary. If the podcast is of a shorter format you can skip the segue and go to sign off part of the podcast. Alternatively, you could also use a short music only transition (3-5 sec in length). Many podcasters choose this as an option that also helps with the overall audio branding experience.
After welcoming listeners, covering various topics, having fun interviews, and sharing fun content, it’s time for the sign-off. This part allows you to bring key information home. It helps your audience piece all the information together. It shouldn’t be too long and no longer than 5 minutes. In a nutshell, it serves to give your audience information on 3 things:
- What they gained from this episode
- What can they expect from the next episode
- When the next episode is
As with the intro, we come to the outro that can be the same or similar. It is usually a catchphrase or a jingle that is known by the listeners as it helps them conclude and close the experience. Outro is best kept under 2 minutes. We have a list of free podcast outros you can use in your podcast.
Using these few tips, writing a script for your new podcast experience won’t be overwhelming as it might seem at first. Keep in mind that while writing the script it’s most important for you to be you and keep it natural and simple. Of course, that even the best scripts and podcasts are tested by the audience, so your most valuable information will be feedback.
Following the outline helps avoid going in circles while writing and allowing free topic discussion without fear of going too far astray. Don’t forget, just as in anything, practice makes perfect, even in writing scripted podcast experience.