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What Is a Podcast?

What Is a Podcast? General what is a podcast Music Radio Creative

What Is A Podcast?

Has this question been niggling at the back of your mind? You’ve heard the term “podcast,” but you have no idea what it means. What is a podcast? Well, let me tell you!

Podcasts are audio recordings that are either live or pre-recorded. The episodes are released on the Internet through an RSS (really simple syndication) feed. Think talk radio shows, released on a specific schedule, with a themed topic. Please note not all podcasts are like talk radio, there’s a wide variety of styles, but that’s the easiest comparison.

Content Machines

Podcasting has become the new content workhorse for many businesses, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists who have a mic and a message. This platform has grown exponentially in recent years, with a whopping 22% of the US population tuning in weekly. More than 51% are familiar with podcasts and have listened to at least one episode according to 2019 stats.

Are you in marketing? If so, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “content is king.” Podcasts exemplify this mantra. One podcast episode can create blog posts, multiple social media posts, marketing emails, and are starting points for sales funnels. Rather than creating new content for every platform every week, if you place your time and focus on great podcast content, you can repurpose your that content across all of your social and marketing platforms.

Blogs used to be the best way to create content, reach and build an audience, and generate money, but podcasts are changing the blogging landscape. Optimize your podcast format to work for your audience. There are podcasts with episodes no longer than 5 minutes and other as long as 3 hours. Create the format that works best for your audience and you will deliver your content in a consumable package that reaches your ideal audience.

What Is in a Podcast? 

Podcasts come in many sizes, formats, and genres. Think of any interests you have… got one? Okay! Research that interest on sites such as Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or Pandora, and you will find several podcasts that dive deep into your interest.

Podcasting is a long-game marketing technique that’s taking off because of the convenience of the platform. If you have a phone, headphones, and a recording app, you can create a podcast. If podcasting is something you are thinking of diving into – you may want to check our guide to starting to podcast with no budget.

Need More Stats? 

Current statistics show that people who listen to podcasts are college degree holders making at or above $100k per year. The entire US population may not be actively listening, but those that do tend to have access to more disposable income. They are also the ones who want to learn from your content. Need more clients or customers? Then make sure you have content they can listen to!

Creating and sustaining a podcast takes time, effort, and after a while, money. You also will not see a return on your investment immediately. The goal of most podcasters is to create authority in their space and to reach a new and wider audience. Podcasting when done right, is extremely effective.

If you’re looking to get started in podcasting, check out our “Start with podcasting” series: 

Feel like you need additional help getting started? Contact us! We can work with you to create a professionally produced podcast, that will bring you in contact with your ideal client! We offer strategy, podcast editing, production, and voiceovers that will bring you closer to your audience!

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