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Radio Jingle Script Writing

Radio Jingle Script Writing Radio radio jingle script writing Music Radio Creative

Radio Jingle Script Writing

The first and most important tip you can keep in mind when script writing is KISS. “Keep it simple, stupid!”

If you want your listener to remember your message you need to make sure you’re only giving out one idea. One that resonates with the station ethos the most.Remember, less is more. Radio sweepers are the best example of a simple message.

Examples of Radio Jingle Scripts

In the above examples there is one clear message that your listener will remember. It’s much better to have multiple sweepers, each with their own single message, rather than trying to squeeze everything into one jingle.

More Is Less

Looking to overwhelm your listener? Here’s an example of a cluttered radio sweeper:

There are four different messages in that example and the chances are your listener won’t remember them all. So, when writing your script, remember KISS!

Radio Promos And Commercials

The same applies for commercial scripts and radio promo scripting. Think of the one thing you want your listener to rememeber and make it the single point of your script. Make the scripts memorable and easy to flow. Do ensure that a professional overlooks any longer format copy. If you can’t afford a professional script writer, having a friend or two give you their feedback is also a good way to catch any mistakes and improve the flow.

Station ID Matters

There are plenty of methods to help brand your station using good script writing. Like placing the station name last in your script. The last part of a radio sweeper or promo will always be more prominent in your listener’s memory than the first part. Make sure you are consistent with the station name. For example don’t write “93.4 Pluto FM” and then “Pluto 93.4 FM” in another script. Choose one name to brand the station and stick to it. If you have presenters on the station make sure they say the station name the same way as it is on the imaging.

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