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New Music Radio Creative

New Music Radio Creative Podcast Season 1 new music radio creative Music Radio Creative

New Music Radio Creative

The New Music Radio Creative is coming soon – details first in this podcast episode – plus a little talk about the brand new Adobe Audition CC release.

Adobe Audition CC is out now!

I started the podcast talking about how excited I am to see so many awesome new features in Adobe Audition CC that will be handy to audio producers, voice overs and even other podcasters. I cover the new preview editor, pitch bend process, sound design tools and multitrack improvements in my review of Adobe Audition CC.

Adobe Audition CC Review

Since recording the podcast I’ve found that the brand new preview editor in Audition CC has helped me multiple times. Here’s a video with an example of how I used it to set up a noise gate on some voice overs with laser precision.

Setting A Noise Gate With Laser Accuracy - Adobe Audition CC

New Music Radio Creative

Izabela then arrived in the podcast studio as I was in my flow about Adobe Creative Cloud (it was I welcome diversion) and we started to chat about something we’re both really excited about and have been working on for the past 6 months. Yes, podcast listener, you are the first to know about the New Music Radio Creative #newMRC!

You may remember back in episode 39 we were looking for voice over talent to join our team. We talk about the journey of finding the very best voice overs to join our team at MRC and are pleased to announce 35 new voice talents will appear on the #newMRC website launching soon. The voices are from all over the planet and not only speak English but other languages like German, Bulgarian and Russian too! All of these voices will be available to order online, mixed with sound effects, vocal effects, music and even sung jingles with just one click online.

Creating A New Customer Experience

There have been many sleepless nights getting everything together for the #newMRC. Izabela and I have stretched the resources and finances available to us as far as they will go in order to create a truly great service for you and anyone in search of creative audio production. We wanted to make it the best is can be and so hired a company to work with us.

So, What’s Coming To MRC?

Start designing your audio or making a sung jingle online instantly then create a Music Radio Creative account or login with Facebook or Google+ to checkout.

Music Radio Creative Checkout
Music Radio Creative Order History

You wouldn’t believe the number of emails we receive each month talking about a hard disk failure and asking if we’d happen to have the audio they ordered 2 years ago. It’s been a difficult process in the past but with #newMRC your audio will always be backed up on Amazon S3 (one of the internet’s biggest backup solutions) and ready for you to download in your Music Radio Creative account with one click.

Music Radio Creative Responsive Web Design

The #newMRC has been created to work with all mobile phones and tablets. That means you can audition our voices, music and audio wherever you are on your mobile devices and checkout using our super easy, mobile friendly, shopping cart.

You are our perfect customer if you’re a DJ, in radio, a podcaster or if you’re a business owner. We want to make it easy for you by providing easy navigation to find audio products relevant to you. More soon!

Finally, tweet us with the hashtag #newMRC and let us know your thoughts. We promise to read your tweet and we’ll even tweet back!

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