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How to be a DJ and Mix Music

How to be a DJ and Mix Music DJ Drops how to be a dj Music Radio Creative

How To Be A Dj And Mix Music

DJing and mixing music. Can you learn how to DJ? If not, Mike says, you can always become a digital DJ and let a piece of DJ software do the mixing for you! Also in this episode – things to never ask a DJ, creating a podcast website and your feedback.

Getting to Know You, My Podcast Listener

In this episode I asked you to head over to the show notes, that’s what you’re reading right now, scroll down to the bottom and leave a comment letting me know who you are, what you do and also what you’d like to hear on future podcasts. Call it market research on the fly! I want to do my very best to talk about the subjects that interest you on the podcast.

How to be a DJ (or pretend like me)

Great resource for DJs and aspiring DJs: Digital DJ Tips

It’s updated with all the latest DJ news and tips on a regular basis. They’re always hot on the tail of new DJ software and equipment releases so it’s worth a bookmark if you’re serious about DJing.

The Perfect DJ Playlist

DJ software usually comes with the ability to sort your tracks by BPM (beats per minute). This is invaluable, even for me as an audio producer, I use it when I want to sync two tracks together nicely although the latest time stretch features in Adobe Audition CS6 are making it easier for me to do without switching between audio editing software and DJ software.

OtsAV is a programme that I’ve had good experiences with. I believe they’re based on the Gold Coast of Australia (lucky people) and it used to be known as Ots DJ when I purchased it.

Podcast Websites

Daniel J Lewis from The Audacity to Podcast sent me an excellent resource for making sure you have everything you should on your podcast website. Take a read of his 5 Steps to an Effective (Podcast) Website. When I created this website just over a week ago I realised I was missing many of them (including a very important about the podcast page).

Podcaster Tools


Get voice messages from your listeners at the click of a button with this cool website widget. You can test how it works by using SpeakPipe to leave me a message (just click the widget on the right of the website).

Podcast Feedback

Thanks to Kerry Jacobs, presenter on rock station Atlantis 105.2 Greece for your SpeakPipe message.

I also really appreciate your iTunes reviews as it helps to make it more visible and reach a wider audience which can only be helpful for keeping it going each week!

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